Monthly Archives: September 2004
As is reporting,
the list of NHL players running off to Europe is now at 178.
Question: Do you think that it is unfair to have players sign contracts with European clubs while the NHL is under lockout? Do you think that it kind of compromises the players position and enforces the greed aspect of professional sports, or do you think that it is a clever bargaining tool to try to force the owners into a resolution?
I’m sure all Canadians were sitting around their television sets Tuesday night watching the newest reality show. “Bell – Making the Cut” If not…do it!
TSN is reporting NY Rangers checking center, Bobby Holik, is telling his fellow union members to shut their traps in regards to the battle of wills over a new CBA. This comes as New Jersey Devils’ forward John Madden leaked his willingness to play under a cap assuming the games would begin soon. Madden since said the comments were taken out of context.
A Crack in the Foundation
Dominic Hasek showed up at the Senators’ camp yesterday. No, the lockout isn’t over, unfortunately. It was the AHL’s Binghamton Senators. But it should make for an interesting scenario.
First McCabe, then Naslund, I think that the staff of HTR needs to take a poll of who should be the featured player.
This Saturday I spoke with my mother as I am apt to do on a Saturday. By profession she is a teacher in the Philadelphia public school system at a school so bad they have to pay a bonus for teachers brave enough to teach there. She has a masters in education as well as a masters in fine arts. She taught at one point in her career (back when I was an infant and the Flyers could actually WIN a Cup) and then returned to teaching later in life.
I know no moves will likely be made for a long time, but I think we need a cheer up in this National Association of Greedy Bastards lockout.
JR Done With the Game? has reported a number of stories recently about Jeremy Roenick and his health including this one today from Ed Moran.
The Evil Player's Union or The Wicked Owners
Ok, I’m sure everyone has their opinion on the CBA. I’m sure some of you are cursing the players (I am) and some of you are cursing the owners.
What I found interesting and disturbing while reading an article on the official CBA site was some people actually agree that the NHL is in a healthy economic state! Up to 30%!?
Now that both sides have dug into the most a most stupid fight, let’s look at ways they could actually solve their problems as well as some of the causes.
Draft Lottery vs Salary Cap
By now we should have been reading topics about the various training camp results throughout the league. Instead we are debating the issues that evolve around the expired CBA which is yet to be renewed resulting in the current Lockout.
What’s the reason we aren’t warming up our couches for a long winter of yelling at useless refs? The answer comes from the big apple, and not those fishy lookin players either, the ones from downtown. In 1997 the Rangers, working within the current CBA, destroyed hockey.
What the NHL needs to do.
Here are 5 things the NHL could do to make everything work financially and improve the game.