Hawks getting ready to sell????
The Chicago-Sun Times speculates that the Black Hawks may be looking to deal some of their veteran players prior to the deadline. Some of the names mentioned include Bryan Smolinski, Martin Lapointe, Adrian Aucoin and Jassen Cullimore.
Besides moving the mentioned players to acquire younger talent and picks it is also speculated that the Hawks are looking to unload some of the pricey contracts so that they are able to have a greater amount of cap space come summer time.
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this isnt news this is just common sense. Of course their goin to sell
smolinski and Aucoin to montreal
Cullimore to tampa
Lapointe to detroit
expect cullimore to go to Edmonton. he can be a quality guy and a he's a hard worker, but CHI won't need alot back for him.
As for the rest, I heard Lapointe is going to ANA and Aucoin either to MTL or BUF.
Somlinski could go anywhere. he'd be an nice addition to any team though.
I'll take Smolinski, but what the hell do you want Aucoin for?
The reason the Habs want Aucoin is mainly for the pp because they figure that if they have two cannons shooting from the point Souray will get more shots threw if they have to worry about aucoin and souray. I don't know if Aucoin is worth the risk or even if this plan will work but something needs to cahnge in MTL.
The reason the Habs want Aucoin is mainly for the pp because they figure that if they have two cannons shooting from the point Souray will get more shots threw if they have to worry about aucoin and souray. I don't know if Aucoin is worth the risk or even if this plan will work but something needs to cahnge in MTL.
Who i really want to come to MTL is Shane Doan. I love him cause he works hard and also would like to see hard working Olli Jokinien some how get to MTL but i dont think he is for sale.
Doan would be great for sure, but Aucoin is definately not worth it.
BREAKING NEWS!!! This just in… The NHL is planning to have a 82 game season. They are also contemplating to advertise Sidney Crosby as a good hockey player. On another side note, Brodeur, Luongo and Kippersoff are considered good goalies. CAPTAIN OBVIOUS to the rescue. All kidding aside, chicago has been reported to sell for quite some time now. Did we really need another article on this?
hooolllayyy haha….bust a ball over this will yea…..but yea…no shit the kawks are selling
I would love for Montreal to go after a few of those guys. Not the one's who have been rumored to be comming to Montreal, but Marty Lapointe would look good in a Habs jersey
What about Khabibulin?