No Need for Selling Seats in Toronto
With a full house expected every night at the ACC the NHL isn’t worried about Hockey in the Southern Ontario Region. The same can be said for the majority of Canadian Teams where fan support doesn’t have to be solicited, unlike in the majority of redneck American markets.
This seems to have created a base in the NHL with disciplanary and game deciding decisions all favouring the weaker team.
Take for example the Mark Bell case, I by no means condone drinking and driving but feel Mr. Bell has been dealt with by the law, when he was in San Jose there was no suspension forthcoming for his crime, dawn a Leaf jersey and an example has to be made of him. Bouwmeister in Florida is allowed to walk away scott free.
If you kill your friend driving recklessly in Atlanta and are convicted, get 0 Games.
Head hunt a third rate player from Ottawa get 20 Games, be a goon from a desperate empty seated arena in New jersey who Head hunts one of the best defenders in the game get 3 Games. In contrast be a goon from Toronto do the same get suspended from the Playoffs and miss 28 Games of regular season action, not to mention ruin your teams excellent chances that year.
Watching tonights game even makes the situation clearer.. Blake goes hard to the net, Steen bangs in a rebound and they call the goal for goaltender interference.. fast forward to Heatley intentionally kicking a puck into the net.. award a goal directly from the NHL Home Office because of a commercial break.
For the Sens fans the fortune you get against the Leafs will turn to misfortune when encountering our redneck rivals. I have seen these decisions constantly go against the Teams with fan support. Why should Canadian loyal fans have to pay the bill for for a fat drunk Nascar fume filled retard.
Bettman’s NHL is the most distasteful, sport full of collusion of the grandest nature. Why do you think Small Market Teams keep hoisting our beloved Cup, because of skill alone. Everyone knows it takes some lucky bounces along the way to get you there, fortunately for the redneck down south Bettman & Campbell have all the lucky bounces built into the system for them.
So every Team with a loyal fan base can suffer for a minority.